OpenMovement AxLE

This is the sync client for the OpenMovement AxLE Band. This client will handle communication with the AxLE bands and sync all data to the OpenMovement repository for retrieval by one of our partner services.


  • Syncing and Viewing of Epoch data from AxLE band.

  • Goal settings and configuration.

  • General band configuration.

  • Data syncing service.

  • Firmware Updater.

This application is available on the iOS and Android app stores.

Getting Started

The OpenMovement AxLE Band API is a set of C# libraries with pre-built support for Xamarin (iOS, Android & UWP) and Windows 10 APIs.

Xamarin & Windows

To get started with a Xamarin or Windows application create a new project in Visual Studio. Run the following command to add the OpenMovement AxLE respository as a sub-module.

$ git submodule add -b production

The OpenMovement AxLE library will be migrated to a NuGet package in future simplifying this process.

Once added as a submodule include the OpenMovement.AxLE.Comms and OpenMovement.AxLE.Service as referenced shared projects in your new solution.

Other Platforms

If you would like to use another platform to communicate with the OpenMovement AxLE devices we have simplified this process for you.

You just need to implement the following interfaces for the nativave Bluetooth interfaces you are using:

  • OpenMovement.AxLE.Comms.Bluetooth.Interfaces.IBluetoothManager

  • OpenMovement.AxLE.Comms.Bluetooth.Interfaces.IDevice

  • OpenMovement.AxLE.Comms.Bluetooth.Interfaces.IService

  • OpenMovement.AxLE.Comms.Bluetooth.Interfaces.ICharacteristic

You can use the existing Mobile and Windows implementations as guides both in the Bluetooth namespace in the comms library.

Scanning for AxLE Bands

All interactions with the AxLE devices start with the AxLEManager. This manager is responsible for scanning and monitoring, connecting, disconnecting and firmware updating devices.

To begin we need to create an instance of the manager:

IAxLEManager manager = new AxLEManager(nativeBluetoothManager, [nearbyTimeout = 30000]);

Now we need to set our relevant callbacks for when a new device is found:

manager.DeviceFound += (sender, serial) =>
    // Do something amazing...

Finally we call manager.StartScan(); to begin scanning for AxLE devices and trigger our DeviceFound callback when we have found devices nearby. To stop scanning call manager.StopScan();.

Connecting to an AxLE device

We again use the manager to connect to an AxLE device. The AxLEManager returns a serial number string for devices it has found. We shall use this as follows:

catch (DeviceNotInRangeException ex)
    // Called if the device has not yet been discovered
    // by the manager or is no longer nearby
catch (Exception ex)
    // Depending on platform other Bluetooth Comms
    // exceptions may be thrown by the stack.
    // Android Gatt errors for example which can
    // usually be ignored and tried again.

Disconnecting from an AxLE device

Disconnecting from an AxLE once you are finished with the device is very important, reconnecting to an already connected device may cause serial port issues and commands may fail. Disconnect from devices like this:

await manager.DisconnectDevice(device);

Last updated